The William Wishart scholarship is awarded to promising graduate students. Grad school can be a slog, so the ACTWS is keen to encourage and empower graduate students in any way we can. The Wishart is one way we do that. Jacqui Frair was our 2005 Wishart recipient for her exceptional work on habitat selection. In her words, the award was a boon to her early academic career. Having recently been promoted to full professor, has done the most with that scholarship.
Since completing her graduate studies at U Alberta, Jacqui has moved on to the State University of New York where she has recently been appointed the director of the Roosevelt Wildlife Station. The first woman to hold that post! Jacqui is giving back. She has mentored 24 grad students, most of them female, and she is the President Elect of the Northeast US Chapter of TWS. Bill Wishart would be proud.
photo: Jacqueline Frair