Andrea Morehouse was the Chapter’s very deserving recipient of the William Wishart post-graduate award in 2013. Given her varied experience studying wildlife across North America including wolves and grizzly bears, the subject of her PhD thesis, she was a strong choice. The Wishart award contributed to her PhD program at the University of Alberta, propelled her on to a post doc and further recognition. In 217 she received the Wilburforce Fellowship in Conservation Science!
On the heels of her academic achievements, she set up her own consultancy (Winisk Research and Consulting) and has continued to be very active in the ACTWS. In fact, she’s our current president and did a fabulous job coordinating our 2019 conference; the best yet. She is also the Science and Stewardship Coordinator with the Waterton Biosphere Reserve and sits on the Board of the NCC’s Conservation Advocacy Committee. Her contribution to the Chapter exemplifies the spirit of the Wishart award. Awesome work Andrea.