Last year was a challenging one for all non-profits, including the ACTWS. With our annual conference being cancelled, we had to get creative and implement new programs to serve our members. With your support and a dedicated executive board, we were incredibly successful in 2020 in various ways.
Our 2020 Annual Report details our successes and challenges. We offered new virtual programs that aimed to connect, inspire, and empower wildlife scientists, managers, and enthusiasts across Alberta to connect, learn, share and collaborate. Our monthly lunch and learn webinars were attended by 337 people and 36 people attended one of our workshops. We’re celebrating these successes by continuing these programs into 2021.
We also implemented a few different fundraising tools, including an online auction, a new corporate sponsorship program, and a sweepstakes. These programs had varying rates of success but helped us raise just under $5,000. This combined with your generosity after our cancelled conference meant we raised over $20,000 over the year.
Our volunteer committees were busy, busy, busy. We submitted 13 letters to government Ministers about an array of wildlife and conservation issues in Alberta. We launched our new Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee, which has already been hard at work implementing programs and surveys to craft a work plan for 2021. These letters and the work of our committees is detailed in our members’ area.
Also in our members’ area, we posted an array of videos of professional awards and webinars for members to enjoy on their own time. Our members’ area has grown and provides an array of resources, making it a great benefit of membership.
The ACTWS is eternally grateful for the continued support of our members, subscribers, and volunteers. You all helped turn one of the most challenging years into one of the most successful. We are always humbled by your support, generosity, creativity, and general fabulousness. As always, we are here if you more ideas on how we can serve you and make 2021 an even better year!
Visit our members area/members documents to view a high resolution pdf.