We’re recruiting new board members. Working closely with our Executive Director, you can form part of the team that advances our Strategic Plan throughout the year.
The volunteers who make up our board represent a diversity of skills, perspectives, and expertise in the wildlife field. We value a board that represents the diversity of our membership – past, present, and future. As a board member, you will work with amazing “wildlifers” to:
- Attend monthly video conference meetings (usually 1-2 hours in length).
- Review and provide input on programs suggested by the Executive Director.
- Provide input on letters to Government officials drafted by our volunteer committees.
- Assist with planning the annual conference.
- Vote on issues requiring board approval or approve documents for public release (e.g., public facing documents, changes to organization committee terms of reference, news release).
This year, we are seeking candidates for the following positions:
President-elect – 3-year commitment. This person serves one term as “president-elect”, the next term as president, and a final term as past-president. This position is critical to our organization’s succession planning. The President-elect is responsible for organizing and coordinating the annual conference, and the President is responsible for leading the board and supervising the Executive Director.
2 Directors – 2-year commitment. These members can have variable roles within the chapter, such as a sponsorship chair, nominations and elections lead, fundraising leads, and more.
Secretary-Treasurer – 2-year commitment. The Secretary-Treasurer is is responsible for all the financial and administrative duties of the chapter. Specific duties include: responsibility for the files, records, and funds of the ACTWS; record minutes of all executive meetings; receive annual chapter membership dues; and more.
Student Director – 1- or 2-year commitment. The Student Director must be a post-secondary student, and is responsible to represent the student member interests, and coordinate student-focused events during the conference and throughout the year.
Any ACTWS member with an interest is invited to apply. This year, we are also looking for board members who have strong science communication skills or experience, experience working with Indigenous Peoples or other marginalized groups in the wildlife field, or strong fundraising skills.
To apply, email a brief description of yourself to our executive director, Shantel Carels. Check out the existing executive board bios for examples of descriptions. Descriptions will be used in the 2023 election survey that will be sent to members for voting. If you have any questions, please reach out to our executive director. Share this page with anyone who you think would be a good fit for your ACTWS!
Applications are due February 8, 2024.
Voting ends shortly before our Annual General Meeting on March 8, 2024.